A Day in the life of a homeschool mom | a behind the scenes irl chat

My name is Lisa Nehring and I'm a
homeschool mom.

That says a lot about me. And if you're a homeschool mom, it says a lot about you, too. #iykyk

As homeschool moms we're called upon to wear all.the.hats in the course of a homeschool day. Multiply that by the number of kids, a spouse, and the sheer number of days of our lives we spend homeschooling, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed and often unsupported.

i understand. and i can help.

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Each hat you wear, each role you manage comes with each own unique challenges and needs. Yes, you have needs! And so do your kids. I will help you understand how mastering each role can give you the confidence and peace to homeschool from a place of rest.

This was more than eye-opening, it was a game-changer. I finally understand that I can't be all things to all people, and my kids need me to be who God created me to be. Seriously, so helpful!"

woman hugging boy on her lap

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